In the School of Sciences at 鶹ý, we have many programs in the sciences and mathematics that can prepare you for graduate study and a career as a researcher or professional. Our programs can also take a more applications orientation and prepare you for a satisfying career that starts right after graduation.

There is no better example of a powerful learning environment than in 鶹ý’s School of Sciences. We offer undergraduate science and math degrees to students interested in:

  • The Health Professions
  • The Environment
  • Research
  • Computers and Technology
  • Teaching Licensure

We also have a degree in Natural Science that can be used as a “design your own degree” and a wide selection of courses that can prepare you for many areas that are multidisciplinary in nature. All classes and labs are small and taught by faculty members in a personalized and hands-on setting with many resources available.

Undergraduate Programs in the School of Sciences

Graduate Programs in the School of Sciences

Read the latest newsletter from the School of Sciences

The Courses You Need

At 鶹ý we have the courses that are going to be important to your careers.  In particular, the health professional schools are more concerned about the courses you have than in the degree that you earn.  We also have a variety of courses that allow you to delve deeper into particular areas of interest.

Working with Your Schedule

Both science and engineering have courses that build on one another. For example, you need Principles of Chemistry I & II  before you take Organic Chemistry I & II, and you need Organic Chemistry II before you can take Biochemistry I & II. Sometimes these prerequisite courses go six or seven deep. It is important that the courses you need are offered in the semester that you need them if you are to graduate in a reasonable time frame. At 鶹ý it is a priority to make sure that the courses you need are available to you in the semester that you need them.

Research in Memphis, TN

During your senior year you will participate in an internship and/or a mentored research project that pairs you with either a 鶹ý faculty member or a researcher at a well-known institution. Past students have conducted significant research at , at the (UTHSC), at the , and at the . Internships and research projects often lead to permanent employment with area hospitals, health-related organizations, corporations and industries, and public and private schools.

Students in the School of Sciences have many opportunities to experience hands-on learning. This parasitology module is one example of available field study experiences.

Parasitology Field Trip: Researching Fish Parasites
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